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One day, I hope to learn some real TeX, but until that day comes, I search and ask questions on Recently, I wanted to define a command that would behave differently depending on whether or not it was invoked in a math environment. From this thread, I found out about the command \ifmmode. For example, if you wanted a command \mbb to produce blackboard type in text and in math:

\newcommand{\mbb}[1]{\ifmmode \mathbb{#1}\else $\mathbb{#1}$\fi}

I’m sure it’s better to do it in TeX with \def, but I know much about that. Note that \mathbb throws an error when it’s used outside of a math environment, but \mbb works fine in both math and text.

Another thing that I wanted was code folding. As far as I know, Texworks folds only “\part, \chapter, \section,…, \begin{foo} \end{foo} blocks” (from the User Manual). I wanted to create a non-functional custom environment so that I could fold arbitrary parts, like all the \usepackage statements. In Visual Studio, I would do this using #pragma region. Unfortunately, this didn’t work (threw an error) so I asked for help. Using the hint that I got, I made a workaround, which is just to comment out a \begin{foo} statement. It still folds. However, I still would like to learn enough TeX to implement my original solution. From the little that I saw, it seems like a powerful and dangerous language.

Edit: I just realized that Texmaker actually folds the entire header. Oh well, I still think that little trick is useful.